1. Purpose and acceptance

NHOOD HOLDING publishes its website to allow you to:
-    find out more about our activity, what we are working on, the different sites we manage and future developments, 
-    stay informed about NHOOD HOLDING's latest news, 
-    have the opportunity to contact our teams to make any suggestions you consider useful,
-    apply for job opportunities, 
-    subscribe, when necessary, to any events organised by NHOOD HOLDING or to the newsletter.
The purpose of these Terms of Use is to define the conditions under which NHOOD HOLDING makes the Website available to Users.
Access to and use of the Website and the services offered on it are subject to compliance with these Terms of Use.
Any access to the website and/or use of the website and the services available on it therefore require strict compliance with all these Terms of Use and their unconditional acceptance. These constitute a contract between NHOOD HOLDING and the User.
However you use the Website, these Terms of Use will be binding in the event of any problem related to this Website. 
By browsing our Website, and as soon as you use our services in this way, you acknowledge having read these Terms of Use and accept them as contractual.  
These Terms of Use are concluded for an indefinite period of time as from the first time you use the Website. They apply as soon as you browse our Website. 
Whether you are a consumer or professional, within the meaning of the preliminary article of the French Consumer Code, these Terms of Use apply without distinction. 
NHOOD HOLDING reserves the right, at any time, to change the terms, conditions and notices of all informative documents that you can find at the bottom of each page of our Website. Similarly, NHOOD HOLDING has a discretionary right to add new, additional contractual conditions, particularly in the event of technical, legal or jurisprudential developments or when putting in place new services. This is why, if you regularly use our Website, you are advised to consult these Terms of Use just as regularly. This will ensure that you are always aware of the latest version. Any subsequent proposed modification of these contractual conditions will be communicated by all means possible to non-professional consumers in accordance with the provisions of Article L.121-84 of the French Consumer Code.
It is not possible to refuse or partially accept these Terms of Use. In the event that you do not wish to accept all or part of these Terms of Use, you are asked not to use the Website and the services offered on it.

2. Definitions

For the purpose of performing and interpreting these Terms of Use, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter shall have the following meaning:
•    "Terms of Use” or “T&C”: Refers to this document which defines the rules and conditions applicable to the use of the website accessible at https://www.nhood.com/en/cgu,  
•    “Editor of the Publication”: Refers to the Editor of the Website, as indicated in the Website's Legal Notice, within the meaning of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on “Confidence in the Digital Economy”.
•    “Publisher” or “Publisher of the Website”: Refers to the person responsible for publishing the Website, as indicated in the Website's Legal Notice, within the meaning of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on “Confidence in the Digital Economy”.
•    “Host”: Refers to the Host of the Website, as indicated in the Website's Legal Notice, within the meaning of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on “Confidence in the Digital Economy”.
•    “Newsletter”: Refers to the regular newsletter to which the User may have the opportunity to subscribe by filling in the form, where appropriate, and which may be made available to Users on the Website, enabling them to receive information and offers relating to NHOOD HOLDING's activity.
•    “Partners(s)”: Refers to any third party company or companies distinct from NHOOD HOLDING, partners of NHOOD HOLDING and the companies in its group.
•    “Service Provider(s)”: Refers to natural or legal persons providing or subcontracting services on behalf of the companies in its group and/or the Host.
•    “Website”: Refers to the following website: https://www.nhood.com/en   
•     “User(s)”: Refers to the natural person(s) browsing the Website and/or using the services offered on the Website.

3.  Accessing and Using the Website 

- General information

The Website is available anywhere, as long as the minimum technical conditions are met, particularly in terms of access to a mobile network, the internet and the technical compatibility of the equipment used.
With the exception of the cost of telephone connections and internet access applied by the User's service provider, the Website can be accessed free of charge and without prior registration or subscription fees. The equipment (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, software, telecommunications facilities, etc.) providing access to the Website are the exclusive responsibility of the User, as are the costs of communications and internet access incurred by the use.
Within the context of accessing and using the Website, the User undertakes to:
•    Comply with the laws in force and to respect the rights of third parties, public order and the provisions of the Terms of Use;
•    Not to share other people's data without their prior consent;
•    Behave in a proper manner towards NHOOD HOLDING and other Website Users in the event that you interact with them;
•    Observe the intellectual property rights relating to the Website and its content.
- Use of our employees' addresses and contact form

Concerning the contact form: 
NHOOD HOLDING makes contact forms available to users of the Website. These forms enable you to send us different types of requests. They are categorised according to type of activity. The list is exhaustive, however, your query may not belong to one of the defined categories. 
In the event that your request concerns a subject relating to personal data (as defined in the data protection policy), ) please contact us at the following e-mail address: dpo@nhood.com
In the event that your request does not belong to any of the categories shown on the contact form, please send your request to the following e-mail address:  contact form
For all other requests, please send your request while highlighting the appropriate category. This will help us provide a faster and better response to your needs. 
Any personal data entered into the form will only be used to answer your queries. For further information, please refer to the data protection policy 
In any case, NHOOD HOLDING cannot be held liable for any incorrect information entered into this form. It is up to you to fill in the sections provided for this purpose with the correct information, otherwise we will not be able to respond to your requests. 

Concerning the use of employees’ direct email addresses: 
NHOOD HOLDING provides you with a contact list allowing you to contact our employees directly at their respective email addresses. Using this list is optional. However, any inappropriate use of these contact details may have legal repercussions. 
Similarly, NHOOD HOLDING makes every effort to keep this list up to date but cannot be held liable if the data provided is no longer up to date. In the event that this information has not been updated and you are unable to contact the desired persons, please do not hesitate to contact us on the number given above. 


- The insertion of hypertext links

Any User who has a website for personal, non-commercial use is authorised to place one or more simple hypertext links on their website, to the home page of the Website, as long as the Website appears in a distinct and non-embedded manner on the User's website.
In no way does this authorisation imply an affiliation agreement, a referral agreement, an advertising space purchase agreement or any partnership or agreement, implicit or otherwise, between NHOOD HOLDING and the User.
This authorisation is granted on a non-exclusive basis and may be revoked at any time, without NHOOD HOLDING having to provide any justification whatsoever, and on the express condition that the inserted link(s) do not cause any prejudice whatsoever to the Website and/or NHOOD HOLDING.
By virtue of this authorisation, NHOOD HOLDING reserves the right to object to or moderate this link. In particular, it reserves the right to prohibit any link coming from a website whose content appears to be inappropriate, misleading or fraudulent, in particular, and this without this prohibition being liable in any way whatsoever.
In any case, any link, even implicitly authorised, must be removed without delay at NHOOD HOLDING's first request.
NHOOD HOLDING cannot monitor all of the websites accessible online. The use of a link to NHOOD HOLDING's Website from a third party website should not be interpreted as a validation of the content or messages published on the website. NHOOD HOLDING undertakes to make every effort to remove any content subject to dispute as soon as it becomes aware of it. 

4.  Intellectual Property

All of the content presented on the Website (in particular, the architecture and graphic identity of the Website, as well as the trademarks, logos, graphics, images, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on the Website, as well as the code for its component elements, and any downloadable document) is likely to be protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights and/or related rights, and must not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, represented, downloaded, modified, edited, reused, re-sent or used in any way and on any medium whatsoever, without the prior written authorisation of the holders of the intellectual property rights concerned.
In particular, any total or partial and unauthorised reproduction of the elements presented on the Website, which are protected by copyright, is likely to constitute an infringement under Article L.335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any unauthorised total or partial reproduction of the brands and/or logos present on the Website constitutes an infringement punishable under Articles L.713-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The databases created by NHOOD HOLDING are protected by copyright and by the law of 1 July 1998 transposing the European directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the French Intellectual Property Code. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in whole or in part, as well as any substantial qualitative or quantitative extraction to another website, which is not expressly authorised, is sanctioned by Articles L.343-4 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Access to the Website does not imply recognition of any intellectual property right or related right in favour of the User.

NHOOD HOLDING grants Users the simple authorisation to view the content. Reproduction rights are reserved, reproduction being authorised only in digital form on the device used to access and use the Website by the User (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) for the exclusive purpose of viewing the pages consulted by the User's browsing software.
By publishing content on the Website, the User automatically grants NHOOD HOLDING a licence to use this content for the purpose of managing the Website, and this for the entire world and for the duration necessary to manage the Website.
Finally, the User confirms that the copyrights granted in this way do not infringe on the rights of third parties and are not subject to any claims.
The User indemnifies NHOOD HOLDING against any claim of any kind whatsoever that may arise from ownership of the rights granted, whether in regard to intellectual property rights, image rights, unfair competition or parasitism, and undertakes to reimburse NHOOD HOLDING for any sums that NHOOD HOLDING may be ordered to pay in this respect.

5. The Responsibility of NHOOD HOLDING

- General information

NHOOD HOLDING cannot be held liable, or considered as having failed to comply with these Terms of Use, for any delay or non-performance, when the cause of the delay or non-performance is related to a case of force majeure as defined by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals, including interruption, suspension, reduction or disturbance related to the functioning of the electronic communication network.
In any event, NHOOD HOLDING may only be held liable for facts that are directly attributable to it in its capacity as the Publisher of the Website.

- Access to and availability of the Website
The Website and the functions that it offers are available anywhere, as long as the minimum technical conditions are met, particularly in terms of access to a mobile network, the internet and the technical compatibility of the equipment used.
In principle, the Website is accessible twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, subject to any breakdowns or maintenance required on the Website, however NHOOD HOLDING does not guarantee that the Website and/or its functions will operate without interruption or failure, and declines all liability, without this list being exhaustive:
•    If the Website is interrupted for technical maintenance operations or to update the published information;
•    In the event that it is temporarily impossible to access the Website (and/or the websites and applications linked to it) due to technical problems, whatever the origin and cause;
•    In the event of unavailability or overload or any other cause preventing the normal operation of the mobile network used to access the Website;
•    In the event of infection by possible computer viruses circulating on the network;
•    More generally, in the event of direct or indirect damage caused to the User, regardless of its nature, resulting from access to or use of the Website (and/or the sites or applications linked to it);
•    In the event of abnormal or unlawful use of the Website;
•    In the event that the User account created on the Website is altered, or that the User loses their username and/or password, or in the event of identity theft.

- Website Content
NHOOD HOLDING does not guarantee, and in no way undertakes to ensure, that the Website and the functions available on it meet the demands of Users. The sole purpose of the Website is to inform you of NHOOD HOLDING's activity and provide the contact details of its employees. Under no circumstances should users expect any other service from this Website. 
Without prejudice to any mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, the information communicated on the Website is provided for information purposes only. As such, NHOOD HOLDING cannot be held liable in the event of any damage whatsoever resulting from its interpretation and/or use; this information may be modified, updated or deleted by NHOOD HOLDING at any time and without notice.
Concerning the information and documents published directly on the Website by NHOOD HOLDING, they are considered to be reliable. However, they may contain inaccuracies, particularly technical and/or typographical errors, which NHOOD HOLDING reserves the right to correct as soon as it becomes aware of them.
With regard to the legal qualifications defined by Article 6 of French law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, NHOOD HOLDING is qualified to provide communication services to the online public for the content published online by Users of the Website. In accordance with Article L.32-3-3 of the French Postal and Electronic Communications Code, NHOOD HOLDING is therefore not responsible for Users’ content and has no obligation to monitor this content.
In particular, NHOOD HOLDING specifies that the use of hypertext links that may be inserted on the Website may lead Users to other websites or applications, independent of the Website. NHOOD HOLDING cannot be held liable for any hypertext links to other websites or applications from the Website. Where necessary, NHOOD HOLDING makes every effort to insert links only to websites that share its quality standards, but cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damage resulting from access to or the use of any information from third party websites or applications.
Similarly, under the terms of the Article "ACCESSING AND USING THE WEBSITE" of these Terms of Use, NHOOD HOLDING cannot be held liable for the insertion of hypertext links to the Website by Users.
In accordance with the legal provisions, NHOOD HOLDING undertakes to remove any illegal content without delay as soon as it has been duly informed of this.
In this respect, it is specified that the User has an opportunity to notify NHOOD HOLDING of unlawful content found on the Website, by post or email to the addresses mentioned in the Website's Legal Notice, or via the Website's contact form. Any notifications sent to NHOOD HOLDING within this context must comply with the provisions of Article 6.I.-5. of French law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, allowing NHOOD HOLDING to become effectively aware of the illicit content reported.

6.  Responsibility of the User

The User is solely and fully responsible for the use of the Website and its content, and alone bears all the consequences that may result therefrom, without NHOOD HOLDING's liability being sought on any grounds whatsoever and without recourse against NHOOD HOLDING.
The User is solely responsible for the information they communicate from the Website.
In the event of abnormal or unlawful use of the Website, the User is solely liable for any damage caused to third parties and for the consequences of any claims or actions that may result therefrom.
The User also waives the right to take any action against NHOOD HOLDING and its group of companies in the event of legal action taken by a third party against the User as a result of the unlawful use of the Website.
In general, the User undertakes to comply with all regulations in force in France.

7.  Privacy and the protection of personal data

The privacy policy for personal data is available here

8.  Independence of clauses

These Terms of Use represent the entire agreement between the User of the Website and NHOOD HOLDING.
If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be void, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the term or terms in question shall be declared non-existent and the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect and shall continue to be enforceable. The terms declared non-existent would then be replaced by the terms that most closely reflect the content and meaning of the cancelled clause.

9.  Applicable law - Language

The official language of these Terms of Use is French. In the event of any difference, inconsistency or conflict between this version and the translated version, the French version will prevail.
These General Terms of Use are subject exclusively to French law.
Any dispute arising from the performance or interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Paris, except in the event of legal or regulatory provisions to the contrary.

10.  Photo credits

The photos used on the Website are the exclusive property of NHOOD HOLDING, acting under the trademark NHOOD HOLDING. Any unauthorised re-use may entitle NHOOD HOLDING to compensation.