General protection policy personal data


NHOOD HOLDING makes its Website (hereinafter the "Site") available to visitors (hereinafter the "Persons Concerned"). This Site gives you the opportunity to learn about NHOOD HOLDING's activities and to benefit, where appropriate, from several services. 

However, the use of somes of our service implies the transmission of your personal data. 

The protection of personal data and respect for the privacy of users of our Site are at the heart of our daily practice.

This document explains the rules for implementing the processing of personal data carried out in the context of the use/operation of the Site: 
•    This document outlines the processing which results from data collection carried out across the Site.  
•    This document is also intended to govern the processing of data collected via cookies and other trackers (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies"). It is held that this processing only concerns you in the event that you have accepted the installation of cookies subject to your consent. Find more information in the dedicated cookie policy 

NHOOD HOLDING, in its capacity as the data controller of reservation data and in relation to the data collected through cookies and trackers, undertakes by means of this General Personal Data Protection Policy to:

-    Ensure an ethical and responsible use of your personal data; 

-    To respect the provisions of (EU) Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016, known as "GDPR", law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and liberties, known as the "Information Technology and Liberties" law in its latest version in force, as well as the standards laid out by CNIL;

-    To detail the processing of personal data implemented within the framework of activities associated with the use of this Site; 

-    To guarantee the effective exercise of your rights on personal data collected thanks to cookies and trackers which concern you.  


NHOOD HOLDING is responsible for the processing of personal data implemented on its Site.

NHOOD HOLDING is responsible for processing, as it determines the means and purposes of the processing. Data is collected by means of registration forms, contact forms, applications for vacancies offered by NHOOD HOLDING, as well as via cookies and other trackers.   
In this respect, we guarantee the Persons Concerned that they comply with the specific legal and regulatory provisions relating to cookies.  

In any event, NHOOD HOLDING can be contacted at any time and for any type of request at the following address: 
NHOOD HOLDING  is a French Simplified Joint Stock Company with a single shareholder and variable capital.
Registered with the R.C.S. LILLE METROPOLE under number 888 171 568 00015 
Head office : 18 rue Denis Papin - Building B2 CS 30638 - 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Intra-Community VAT : FR 85 888 171 568
Tel: + 03 62 53 79 76 
Email : 



NHOOD HOLDING has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who you can contact to exercise your rights. 
You can contact NHOOD HOLDING's DPO by writing to the following addresses: 

-    By post: NHOOD HOLDING - Data Protection Officer - 18 rue Denis Papin - Building B2 CS 30638 - 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq ; 

-    By email : 

NHOOD HOLDING's DPO is the designated contact person for any request relating to the processing of personal data by NHOOD HOLDING. As such, the DPO of NHOOD HOLDING is in charge of requests relating to data processing carried out by NHOOD HOLDING.  



In the context of this privacy policy, NHOOD HOLDING, in its capacity as data controller, undertakes to limit the points of collection of your data to what is strictly necessary. These points of collection are therefore limited to what is described below. 

Each collection site contains complete information (hereinafter the "pavé CNIL") relating in particular to your rights and informing you of the processing carried out on said data.  
The Data Controller specifies that the check boxes (hereafter "Opt-in") on some of our forms allow your data to be used for the specific purposes to which you will have agreed. These purposes are detailed in the information insert relating to each tick box. In all cases, this processing will be carried out on the basis of your consent. This data may be used (depending on the opt-in) for your subscription to our newsletter, transmission to commercial partners, etc. In all cases detailed information will be available at the point of opting-in. 
Our Site integrates several means of collecting personal data. NHOOD HOLDING undertakes to limit data collected to that which is strictly necessary, in accordance with the principle of data minimization. These means are: 

•    Data processing for event registration:

When accessing the Site, you may be asked to provide us with personal data by completing the mandatory fields on our online registration forms. These forms are available on our Site in order to simplify registration for digital or physical events organised by NHOOD HOLDING. These forms are necessary to enable you to access and participate in the event in question.  
 This data is collected on the legal basis of genuine interest. The legal basis is warranted since the collection of your data at the time of your registration is necessary for registration. Thoses datas are processed by our communication services. 

Finally, this data is collected solely for the purpose of your registration.

•    Application forms for job offers proposed by NHOOD HOLDING:

This refers to the application forms accessible on our Site. These job offers are proposed by NHOOD HOLDING. They give visitors the chance to find out about employment opportunities available at NHOOD HOLDING. These forms are mandatory should you wish to apply. Any person completing these forms will be considered as a potential candidate. Thoses datas are processed by our human ressource service. 
This data is collected on the legal basis of your consent. It is warranted by your positive action of consent when you press the "send" button.  
In any case this data is collected in order to evaluate your person. Due to the more or less sensitive nature of the data that may be transmitted, NHOOD HOLDING ensures that particular attention is paid to the security of this data. 

•    The data processing carried out following the completion of the contact forms: 

The contact forms available here and the forms for the exercise of rights available here are referred to here. These forms are put on line by NHOOD HOLDING in order to simplify the exchanges which can take place between you and us. In order to bring a personalized and adapted answer to your interrogations, NHOOD HOLDING collects a certain number of your personal data. The data collected by this means will be treated by our communication services. 

The data answering this purpose are thus collected on the legal basis of your consent. It is justified and materialized by your click on the "send" button once the form has been filled in.  
Finally, this data is collected for the sole purpose of responding. The idea is to provide you with an adapted and personalized answer.

•    Cookies and other tracers :  
The optimal use of the Site induces the deposit of certain cookies, it is a question of operating cookies that are not subject to consent. In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, certain cookies for audience measurement are also exempt from consent: 

  • the tracers retaining the choice expressed by users on the deposit of tracers;
  • tracers intended for authentication with a service, including those intended to ensure the security of the authentication mechanism, for example by limiting robotic or unexpected access attempts;
  • Tracers intended to store the contents of a shopping cart on a merchant site or to bill the user for the product(s) and/or service(s) purchased; 
  • user interface customization tracers (for example, for the choice of language or presentation of a service), when such customization is an intrinsic and expected element of the service;
  • Tracers for load balancing of equipment contributing to a communication service;
  • Trackers allowing paying sites to limit free access to a sample of content requested by users (predefined quantity and/or over a limited period of time);
  • Tracers whose purpose is strictly limited to the sole measurement of the audience for the exclusive account of the publisher, they must not allow the global monitoring of the navigation of the person. It being understood that these tracers must only be used to produce anonymous statistical data. 

These Cookies make it possible in particular to carry out analyses on the effectiveness of the Site, its scheduling and to offer you a qualitative service adapted to your needs. 

For the rest, Cookies are subject to your prior agreement. (hereinafter referred to globally as "Cookies"). This document will try to answer all your questions concerning our collection of personal data via Cookies. 

For example: a geolocation service allows us to redirect you to the Site adapted to the country in which you live or closest to your current geographic location. In all cases, you have the possibility to freely choose whether or not to authorize the deposit of cookies.
The collection of personal data via the deposit of cookies not subject to the collection of your consent is therefore based on your consent. These Cookies are expressly identified in the banner that appeared on the dedicated banner during your first connection to the Site. 

In the particular case of third party cookies deposited during your visit to our Site, NHOOD HOLDING will not be able to transfer the personal data collected to commercial partners or third parties without collecting your consent. 

•    Requests relating to the management of your personal data processed by NHOOD HOLDING : 

You may contact us by pos or via an electronic communication: 

  • By post at the following address: 18 rue Denis Papin - Building B2 CS 30638 - 59656 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 
  • By telephone at the following number: + 03 62 53 79 76 ;
  • Via e-mails that you can send to the following address:

Your contact person may need to request some of personal data in order to process any requests or complaints. Telephone conversations may be recorded to ensure a satisfactory quality of service and for evidentiary purposes. These records will be kept for a maximum of 6 months. You may refuse this recording at any time. Requests include a confirmation of your identity. In such cases, you will be asked to provide a copy of proof of identity. NHOOD HOLDING undertakes to delete any copy of your proof of identity as soon as we have provided an answer to your request. 
The collection and processing of data is not meant to be used for any purpose other than to respond to your requests. This data is therefore collected on the basis of legitimate interest since it is used to respond to your requests. 


Your personal data may be passed on to other recipients, who will process your data on their behalf, or to our subcontractors, who will process it on our behalf alone and in accordance with NHOOD HOLDING's instructions. 
These recipients are: 

  • the NHOOD HOLDING's services, 
  • Our business partners (such as brands, marketing and advertising agencies, if you have given your consent), in which case the personal data collection site’s will inform you of any transfers made.  NHOOD HOLDING undertakes never to transfer data to third parties or commercial partners without your prior consent. 
  • Police or judicial authorities in the context of requisitions, particularly in the context of the fight against fraud and our own legal obligations. 
  • Subcontractors ensuring the smooth running of the site that NHOOD HOLDING calls upon 

Finally, NHOOD HOLDING does its utmost to limit data transfers outside the EU as much as possible. In cases where the transfer is unavoidable, NHOOD HOLDING has put in place the necessary measures, in particular by imposing on the recipients in question the standard contractual clauses (STC) provided by the European Commission for Data Protection (EDPS).



You have the right to exercise your rights of access, correction, opposition and deletion to the processing of your data in accordance with articles 38 to 40 of the law of 6 January 1978. 

In application of the GDPR, you also have the possibility of exercising your rights to limit the processing and portability of your data. This Regulation also places a reinforced information obligation on the data controller. As such, for any request for information concerning the processing of your data, you should contact the DPO at the address below.

 Furthermore, you may agree to guidelines relating to the storage, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death in accordance with article 40-1 of the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978. These guidelines may be general or specific.

Finally, you may request the provision of plain and understandable information at any time. This information must be adapted to the person receiving it. NHOOD HOLDING will do its utmost to adapt the form in which it provides the information in accordance with articles 12 to 14 of the GDPR. 

These rights can be exercised with NHOOD HOLDING in the following manner:

-    By post, by writing to us at the following address:

18 rue Denis Papin - Building B2 CS 30638 - 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq France - indicating your surname, first name, address, email and if possible reference/customer number (if available) in order to speed up the processing of your request.

-    To the DPO by sending your request :

-    By post: NHOOD HOLDING - Data Protection Officer - 18 rue Denis Papin - Building B2 CS 30638 - 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq ; 

-    By e-mail: 

NHOOD HOLDING will reply to the person concerned as soon as possible. 

In the event of a negative response, you have the option of referring the matter to the CNIL : 



In accordance with article 5e of regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, personal data is kept in a form allowing identification for a period not exceeding the time required for the purposes for which it is collected and processed. 

In this respect, personal data is stored by NHOOD HOLDING according to precise rules that respect the rights and freedoms of individuals. 
We only keep personal data for a maximum of 3 years. 

The retention period starts from the last proven business relationship or last contact with NHOOD HOLDING.



NHOOD HOLDING takes all useful precautions to preserve the security and privacy of data and in particular to prevent it from being falsified, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

In accordance with article 35 of law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, NHOOD HOLDING's sub-contractors undertake to respect the security and privacy of this data. 

In accordance with article 32 of regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, NHOOD HOLDING undertakes to respect the security and confidentiality of data.

To this end, NHOOD HOLDING has defined a strict personal data security policy. 



NHOOD HOLDING uses, only if consent was given, your contact details to send you targeted advertising, in particular by email, postal mail, sms or mobile notification and undertakes to respect the rules applicable to each canvassing channel.

- By email and sms (article L.34-5 of the French postal and electronic communications code)

  • New customer: Prior express consent is required when creating an account (for offers from NHOOD HOLDING and its partners).  
  • Registered customer: Without prior consent for similar products or services already ordered.

In any case, the Client may oppose this canvassing:

  • For the email, by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each email. 
  • For sms, by sending an SMS stop to the number indicated in the SMS, 

- By phone

Unsubscribe : Register to opt-out from cold calling at: